• Cedral slates
Using BIM for slates
Using BIM for slates
In the construction world, BIM has become a trendy, frequently used term. BIM stands for ‘Building Information Modelling’, which creates a digital 3D-model and virtual rendering of a building. BIM models consist of objects linked to data on, among others, technical specifications.
Your roof and facade renovations partner
Your roof and facade renovations partner
Fibre cement slates offer tons of advantages, making them ideal for renovation projects. The fact that they are lightweight, come in several different colours and can be fitted with an extra layer of insulation are just a handful of their best attributes.
Finishing profiles for facade slates
Finishing profiles for facade slates
The facade is the showpiece of a home. An eye for detail is essential to achieving the look you have in mind. In that respect, how reliable or good-looking a product is isn’t the only thing that counts. A finish that’s perfect down to the smallest detail also has a powerful impact on the end result. Cedral’s goal is to help you make that happen. 

Let our professionals install your Cedral facade

Get a quick price estimate and connect with your local certified Cedral Select Professional installer to arrange professional installation.